KOREA UNIVERSITY Department of Chinese Language and Literature

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Program Description

Department of Chinese & Japanese Language and Literature Major Fields

  • Chinese Linguistics / Chinese Literature
  • Japanese Linguistics and Education/ Classical Japanese Literature and Culture/ Modern Japanese Literature and Culture
  • Chinese and Japanese Area / Cross Cultural Studies

Degree Requirements

  1. For the M.A. program, a student must achieve a total of 24 credit hours, 15 or more than 15 out of which or more must be achieved in his/her major field in the Department. For the Ph.D. program, a student must achieve a total of 36 credit hours, 27 or more than 27 out of which must be achieved in his/her major field in the Department. Students in the M.A. Program and the Ph.D Program in Comparative Studies of Chinese and Japanese Cultures must achieve 9 credits or more than 9, and 15 credits or more than 15, respectively. Courses taken from a different major field can be accepted as ‘other mayor course’ with the approval of the academic advisor. (common basic courses are included as part of major Field Courses)
  2. All new students in master's and doctorate program should achieve prerequisite courses(these prerequisite courses should be related with his/her major) under the discretion of his/her graduate supervisor.
  3. Afiter 1 year of study, students consult with their academic advisor in order to choose between ‘Researcher Track’ or ‘Specialist Track’ and take courses selected by the academic advisor.

Approved Prerequisite Courses

graduate curriculum
Major Title
Chinese Linguistics / Chinese Literature History of Chinese Literature 1/2
Introduction to Chinese Language 1/2
Chinese Classic Interpretation Practice 1/2
Comparative Studies of Chinese and Japanese Cultures History of Chinese Literature 1/2
Introduction to Chinese Language 1/2
Comprehension to Japanese Linguistics
History of Classical Japanese Literature
History of Modern-Contemporary Japanese Literature

Comprehensive Examinations

  1. The compulsory areas and selective areas of each field are designated as follows;
    1) Major Compulsory areas : (M.A. Program, Ph.D. Program)
    • (1)Chinese Linguistics : History of Chinese Linguistics
    • (2) Chinese Literature : History of Chinese Literature
    • (3)Japanese Linguistics & Education : Introduction to Japanese Linguistics, History of Japanese Language (Choose 1 area)
    • (4) Japanese Classical Literature & Culture : Studies in Classical Japanese Literature
    • (5) Japanese Modern Literature & Culture : Studies in Modern Japanese Literature
    • (6)Comparative Studies of Chinese and Japanese Culture : Comparative Study of Chinese and Japanese Cultures, History of the Cultural Exchange between China and Japan (Choose 1 area)
    2) Major Selective Areas :
    • (1) M.A. Program : Choose 2 areas among Major Courses
    • (2) Ph.D. Program : Choose 3 areas among Major Courses


  1. Any student who is to submit a dissertation must hand in a pre-dissertation to the Department by the designated date of a semester(by the last weeks of February and August of each semester). The candidate for the degree must pass the examinations on the pre-dissertation by the faculty before the dissertation defense. But students must achieve 6 credits or more than 6 in the fields other than his/her major field.
  2. All new students in master's and doctorat 2.After submission of a pre-dissertation, the chair of the Department appoints the examiners of it with recommendation of the advisor of the student.
  3. A prospective candidate for the Doctoral degree has to publish 3 or more than 3 articles in the journals certificated by the National Research Foundation of Korea before the dissertation defence.

An Additional rule

  1. The above regulations apply to the students who enter the program in 2011 or later.